Time is running out for residents to have their say in Bridgend County Borough Council’s annual budget consultation.
As part of the consultation, which runs until Sunday, 13 December, residents can help shape the council’s spending priorities for the coming year.
Deputy leader and cabinet member for resources Councillor Hywel Williams said: “In previous years, the budget consultation has been focused on specific service provisions but this year is focused on the longer-term vision for the county borough following the Covid-19 pandemic.
“I would urge residents to take the time to respond to the budget consultation and have their say on what they think should be council’s funding priorities in the future.
“This year services have had to be delivered in different ways because of the Covid-19 pandemic, as we’ve focused on ensuring essential services could continue while protecting our most vulnerable residents.
“The long-term financial impact of coronavirus is uncertain but we are required by law to set a balanced budget and council tax levels. We are asking Bridgend residents to help us make the county borough ‘Fit for the Future’.”
The cost of responding to the pandemic in the first six months of the financial year is estimated to be more than £10m.
The survey, which you can fill in online, includes the response to coronavirus, as well as health and wellbeing, business and the local economy, council tax levels and customer access to civic offices. Feedback from residents will be used to inform the medium-term financial strategy for 2021/22 – 2024/25.
For a hard copy of the survey, email consultation@bridgend.gov.uk or call 01656 643664. An easy read, large print and youth version of the survey are all available.
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