Update on Mobile Testing Unit in Bridgend

We have been advised by the Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board the mobile testing unit at the Bowls Hall car park of Bridgend Life Centre is still closed. Those already at the site will be tested but members of the public are being asked not to attend until further notice. The closure is only temporary – as soon as it is set up again, we will let you know.

If you develop a new continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss of / change in your normal sense of smell or taste, you must self-isolate immediately and apply to have a coronavirus test. If you are unsure, the NHS website offers a coronavirus symptoms checker.

To apply for a Covid-19 test, visit https://gov.wales/apply-coronavirus-covid-19-test

Alternatively, apply online for a home testing kit or by phoning the free number 119.