Green light for highway improvements linked to new teaching block at Bryntirion Comprehensive School

Bridgend County Borough Council has agreed to fund necessary highway improvements linked to the building of an additional teaching block at Bryntirion Comprehensive School.

Bryntirion Comprehensive School has capital funding earmarked for a new four-classroom teaching block.  The additional space is to accommodate the rising number of pupils coming from housing developments in the school’s catchment area, with developers significantly contributing to the cost of the construction of the new classrooms.

Part of the planning conditions for the school’s expansion is adjustments to the active travel or highway arrangements surrounding the school.

Council has agreed to facilitate the funding of these amendments by creating a separate scheme within the capital programme for the improvements. This will be covered by transferring £140k from a number of school modernisation schemes within the capital programme.

The improvements will include a series of dropped kerbs, new footway and kerbing, tactile paving, as well as fingerpost signage.

Councillor Jon-Paul Blundell, Cabinet Minister for Education, said: “The planned changes for the active travel routes and highways are an important and necessary part of securing the additional teaching space for Bryntirion Comprehensive School.

“These works will enable significant improvements to be made to the school which learners will benefit from for years to come.  We very much welcome this exciting, but necessary, time of change for Bryntirion Comprehensive School.”

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