Council finalises its self-assessment report for 2022-23

Bridgend County Borough Council has published its final self-assessment report outlining how it has performed over the last year.

The final version of the report follows feedback on earlier drafts from elected members, staff, trade unions and residents, and is intended to present a realistic appraisal of how effective services provided by the authority have been throughout 2022-23.

As well as highlighting areas where the council has performed well, the assessment identifies where improvements can be made to ensure that services are as efficient and as effective as possible.

These include improving post-pandemic school attendance, addressing social care workforce issues, developing and consulting on a new homelessness strategy, establishing a new corporate plan, and developing new options for dealing with recycling and waste in the future.

The Leader, Cllr Huw David said: “We have again produced a detailed and realistic self-assessment in a straightforward, easy-to-follow style which offers an honest summary of how we have performed.

“This self-assessment covers the final year of our Corporate Plan for 2018-23, and substantial changes will be seen next year following the publication of our new Corporate Plan 2023-28.

“The self-assessment highlights areas of strong performance as well as those areas where a greater focus is required in order for us to be able to deliver further improvements.”

You can read the report in full by visiting the self-assessment page at