Council approves Licensing Impact Assessment for Bridgend town centre

copyright Lisa Baker 2021

Bridgend County Borough Council has approved the publishing of the Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA).  This highlights how the concentration of licensed premises impacts levels of crime and other anti-social behaviour in selected areas of Bridgend town centre.

First adopted in December 2019 and reviewed a minimum of every three years, the CIA informs the council’s Statement of Licensing Policy.

It guides decisions being made about future applicants for licensed premises in Bridgend town centre. The CIA casts light on whether granting further licences would remain in line with licensing objectives, such as the prevention of crime and disorder.

Businesses wanting a new licence in a CIA area will be advised to outline how they can address any potential anti-social issues that may arise.

The CIA for Bridgend town centre covers Market Street, Wyndham Street, Derwen Road and the stretch of Nolton Street between the Ewenny Road junction and Brackla Street / Merthyr Mawr Road.

Councillor Rhys Goode, Cabinet Member for Housing, Planning and Regeneration, said: “It is important to point out that the circumstances of each licensing application are considered on individual merits, with the CIA providing just one perspective on the application.

“We want Bridgend town to flourish by encouraging more businesses to open up in our town centre. But we also need to manage the licensing of premises carefully to ensure that our town is an inviting place to visit.

“The use of CIA statistics enables us to minimise anti-social behaviour to ensure an enjoyable experience for all parts of the community.

“We have a growing restaurant culture developing within the town, bringing a renewed vibrancy to the area – we want the town centre to continue in this direction whilst also developing a stronger daytime economy as well.”