Survey aims to help council improve services for critical workers

Bridgend County Borough Council is asking parents and carers of school pupils to complete a brief survey that will help the local authority plan ahead for how it will provide future support for critical workers.

All parents and carers will have received a letter from schools last week asking them to complete the survey, which is available online until 12 noon on Friday 12 February.

Information gathered through the survey will remain confidential, and will help the council to develop up-to-date insights into the current demand for on-site provision at specific schools and around particular year groups.

Cllr Charles Smith, Cabinet Member for Education and Regeneration, said: “With Welsh Government laying out their plans for a phased return to schools, it makes sense to plan ahead for how the council will continue to support the children of critical workers as we move forward.

“In the event that we need to change the service, this survey will help us to understand what the likely level of demand will be, and will support the roll-out of applications for a new scheme.

“We are working quickly as we make preparations for providing a new scheme in March, and I hope that as many parents as possible will support these efforts by completing the survey.”