Community asset transfer approved for Cae Gof sports facilities

Cefn Cribwr Athletic Club (CCAC) will take over the management of some sports facilities at Cae Gof Playing Fields under the community asset transfer (CAT) programme after approval from the Council’s Cabinet at its meeting on Tuesday 19 January.

The club has also been awarded funding of nearly £160,000 from the council’s CAT and Change Management funds to extend the bowls pavilion and bring rugby changing facilities up to Welsh Rugby Union standards, as well as improving drainage on the pitches and purchasing maintenance equipment.

Cllr Richard Young, Cabinet Member for Communities, said: “Under this agreement, CCAC will take over the management of the bowls pavilion and green, two rugby pitches and tennis courts, which will result in long-term savings on maintenance for the council.

“The CAT programme is helping to preserve valuable facilities for our communities. As of the end of October 2020, sports clubs and town and community councils had expressed an interest in self-managing 53 outdoor sports facilities and park pavilions across the county borough.

“Thanks to those who are working with the council as we seek to ensure the management of outdoors sports facilities is sustainable in the long term and I would encourage any clubs who are thinking of getting involved in the CAT programme to get in touch with us.”

Cefn Cribwr FC has expressed an interest in completing a separate lease for the main pavilion and two football pitches and discussions are ongoing.