Road users reminded ‘Essential travel only’ under current restrictions

Electronic signs around Porthcawl are reminding people that only essential travel is permitted under the current alert level four restrictions.

The signs, which say ‘Stay at home, essential travel only’, come after reports of large numbers of people driving to beaches and beauty spots over the festive period.

Bridgend County Borough Council, South Wales Police and Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board are urging residents to stay at home wherever possible.

The Leader, Cllr Huw David said: “We are very concerned about the number of people driving to places like Porthcawl for a walk at a time when coronavirus is still very prevalent in our communities. The less we move around and have contact with other people, the less chance the virus has to circulate.

“Exercise is important for physical and mental health, and you can leave home as often as you like to exercise as long as you do so from home and alone or with members of your household or support bubble and/or a carer. Your exercise should start and finish from your home. Police are continuing to stop vehicles to carry out spot checks and will issue fines to those breaching the rules.

“Our health services are currently under extreme pressure and we must all do our bit to protect ourselves and our neighbours, family and friends.”