Applications opening for school nursery places in Bridgend County Borough

Applications are opening on Monday 11 January, for children eligible for a full-time nursery place in September 2021 or a part-time nursery place from January or April 2022.

Parents and carers can simply sign up to My Account on Bridgend County Borough Council’s website using their computer, tablet or mobile to fill in their application. The deadline for forms to be submitted is Friday 26 March, 2021.

Cllr Charles Smith, Cabinet Member for Education and Regeneration, said: “The easiest way for parents and carers to apply for local authority-run school places is online, which makes the process faster and more convenient.

“Parents/carers of eligible children must complete a school admission (nursery) application. Even if your child is due to start attending a part-time nursery class in either January 2021 or April 2021, there is no automatic right to a full-time nursery place in September 2021.

“A separate application process is in place for admissions to voluntary aided or church schools, and parents and carers will need to contact them directly to request an application form.

“To make sure your child has a place at your selected nursery, please get your applications in before the 26 March.”

If parents/carers have submitted their application online, they will be able to see in My Account that it has been received. They will then be notified of the outcome of full-time nursery applications on 17 May 2021 and part-time nursery applications by 19 October 2021.

For more information and guidance about the application form, please visit the council’s school admissions webpage.