Bridgend County Borough Council issues update to guidance on face coverings at schools

Guidance on the wearing of face coverings in schools has been updated by the Welsh Government.

To reduce the risk of transmitting Covid-19, parents and visitors attending all school premises in Bridgend county borough should now wear a face covering. This includes drop-off and collection areas at all schools.

Also, secondary school staff and pupils in Year 7 and above are required to wear face coverings in all areas outside of the classroom.

This includes in the school yard, at break times, lunchtime and other times of the day when pupils are congregating in those areas, for example when waiting to enter school. However, this will not apply to pupils are exempt or may not be able to handle the wearing of a face coverings, for example pupils with special educational needs or disabilities.

Pupils in Year 7 and above should now wear face coverings on dedicated school transport, although this has been mandatory in Bridgend for some time.

Cabinet Member for Education and Regeneration, Cllr Charles Smith said: “The guidance on face coverings at schools has been made stronger to keep everyone as safe as possible.

“Regular hand washing or sanitising and maintaining clear social distancing will also reduce the risk of spreading Covid-19 at schools.”