Residents in Bridgend county borough are being asked to help shape the local authority’s spending priorities over the coming year.
This week sees the launch of Bridgend County Borough Council’s annual budget consultation.
However, while previous budget consultations have focused on specific service provisions, this year’s consultation is focused on the longer term vision for the county borough following the Covid-19 pandemic.
Council leader Huw David said: “This year we have had to deliver services very differently due to the global pandemic, focusing resources on providing essential services and protecting vulnerable residents.
“During the pandemic the council’s emergency funding has been needed to care for older and vulnerable people while at the same time income has been lost from trade waste services, car parks, planning applications and many other areas.
“The estimated cost of responding to the Covid-19 pandemic in additional spend and lost income during the first six months of the financial year will be more than £10m.
“While there is a lot of uncertainty around the longer term financial impact of the pandemic, we are still required by law to set a balanced budget and council tax levels.
“The council has to balance short-term needs while safeguarding long-term needs for a sustainable future, recognising the potential long term challenges and impacts of Covid-19.
“In order to understand what the ‘new normal’ will need to look like for the council to deliver sustainable and effective services for the next five to 10 years, we are asking for residents to help us make Bridgend county borough ‘Fit for the Future’.”
The survey covers areas such as the Covid-19 pandemic response, business and the local economy, health and wellbeing, council tax levels and customer access to civic offices.
Responses from residents will be used to inform the medium term financial strategy for 2021/22 – 2024/25.
The consultation which opens today (Monday, October 19) ends on December 13.
To fill in the survey online, visit the council website or for a hard copy of the survey email
[email protected] call 01656 643664 or write to Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend, CF31 4WB.
An easy read, large print and a youth version of the survey are all available.