September opening confirmed for local schools

Following the recent announcement from Education Minister Kirsty Williams, Bridgend County Borough Council has confirmed details for how it is planning to reopen schools in September.


The reopening will be carried out in phases, and will begin with the return of teachers and staff between 1 and 3 September so that necessary preparations can be made. No pupils will be attending any school on these dates.


On Friday 4 September, priority year groups will return to school. This will cover the following:

  • Infant schools:
  • Junior schools: Year 3 and Year 6.
  • Primary schools: Reception and Year 6. Mynydd Cynffig Primary School will also accept Year 3 pupils.
  • Secondary schools: Year 7 and each school will advise parents/carers directly regarding Year 12 and Year 13 pupils.
  • Special schools: Each school will advise parents/carers directly.


Each school will advise parents/carers directly on which year groups should attend between Monday 7 – Wednesday 9 September. Finally, schools will open as normal to all pupils on Thursday 10 and Friday 11 September.


Cllr Charles Smith, Cabinet Member for Education and Regeneration, said: “Since the announcement from Welsh Government, we have been working closely with schools to adopt a common approach which will ensure that pupils can benefit from a phased return as we seek to get things back to normal.


“A great deal of work needs to be undertaken between now and September to clarify the details and ensure that all necessary safeguards are in place to maintain the health and well-being of pupils. We will be working closely with officials to ensure our approach is aligned with Welsh Government’s expectations.”


The Leader, Cllr Huw David added: “Welsh Government is also making additional funding of £29m available across Wales to support the phased return of pupils, and we will be working in close partnership to see how best this can be used to benefit children and young people in Bridgend County Borough.”