Celebrating carers during the pandemic
Due to the ongoing pandemic, online events are taking place to mark Carers Week 2020 in Bridgend County Borough. Designed to raise awareness, highlight the challenges that unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and local communities, Carers Week encourages people who might not already consider themselves to be a carer to come forward and access help and support. Organised in partnership with the Bridgend Carers Wellbeing Service, events ranging from panel discussions, virtual coffee mornings, online games and ‘your story’ sessions will be held. Find out more at the www.ctsew.org.uk website.
New identity card launched
Carers Week 2020 will feature the launch of a new identity card for carers. Designed to support them in their role, the card will be especially useful during the pandemic. With an estimated 18,000 unpaid carers looking after relatives, friends, partners or neighbours in the county borough, the card will provide them with priority access to supermarkets and help identify them to emergency services as having someone who is dependent upon them.
Help and support for domestic abuse
Domestic abuse support continues to be available throughout the coronavirus pandemic, with services offered by Calan DVS focusing mainly on telephone contact. Refuge accommodation is continuing, as is on-call support – you can find out more by calling 01656 815919 or emailing [email protected]. Bridgend MASH is also providing safeguarding services for vulnerable children and adults – you can report concerns about a child to 01656 642320 or [email protected], and concerns about adults to 01656 642477 or [email protected]. for more information, visit the MASH webpage.
Language and play resources
Officers from the council’s Flying Start service have recorded a series of story readings, songs, craft sessions and more to ensure that young children from around 100 local families can continue to develop important language and play skills. As an alternative to regular pre-pandemic community sessions, the resources have been saved to a closed Facebook page which the children and their families can access. You can find out more by contacting the Basic Skills team on 01656 642642.
Free business webinars
Bridgend Business Forum members can take advantage of free online webinars designed to help businesses prepare for reopening. Hosted by recognised experts and covering a range of topics such as post-furlough options for employers, exit strategies and matters to consider when employees return to work, the webinars will begin on Thursday 25 June and places much be booked in advance by emailing [email protected]. To find out more, visit the Bridgend Business Forum website.
Key worker emergency childcare
The deadline to apply for emergency childcare covering next week expires at 12noon on Wednesday 10 June. You can find out more and submit an application at the council website.
Deadline confirmed for business funding
Businesses in Bridgend County Borough have until 5pm on 30 June 2020 to apply for Welsh Government grant funding support. You can find out more and submit an application online at the council website.