Access restored at local cemeteries
Restrictions to maintain social distancing at cemeteries and limit potential exposure to the Coivid-19 coronavirus have been lifted today, Tuesday 28 April. The access is being restored to enable people to gain solace and pay respects, and must not be used for the purpose of recreation e.g. short cuts, walking dogs, etc. Attendance at graveside funerals will continue to be strictly limited to a maximum of 10 close family members and friends. People visiting graves are being reminded of the importance of maintaining social distancing at all times, and signage will be put in place to advise visitors how they can keep themselves safe. The council will continue to monitor and review the situation in case further changes prove to be necessary in order to preserve public safety.
Free garden waste collections
When garden waste collections begin again on Monday 4 May, existing customers will receive the service free of charge for the rest of the year in acknowledgment of inconvenience caused by the council and Kier having to source a new contractor. The service will be available to households which were enrolled in the scheme before 27 March, which is when the previous service stopped. The service will be reviewed at a later date to see if, how and when the scheme might be developed further.
Highways improvements
The council is taking advantage of fewer vehicles using local roads during the lockdown to carry out a series of highway improvements and minimise inconvenience for drivers. The work, which includes pot-hole repairs and road resurfacing, will focus on Porthcawl Road in North Cornelly, the A4064 Abergarw Link Road, and the B4280 between Heol Spencer and Pant Hirwaun. The maintenance is part of the council’s ongoing investment in the local road infrastructure, and all workers will be observing strict social distancing rules during the work. Signage will be set up to alert people to the start of work, and letters have been issued to residents living in the immediate vicinity to ensure that they are aware.
Town centre grants
Property or business owners in Bridgend town centre can apply for grants of up to £250,000 to improve the appearance of their buildings. The council is working in partnership with Welsh Government to provide a property enhancement project which covers up to 70 per cent of total eligible costs, up to a maximum of £250,000. The funding can be used for the renovation of vacant properties, shopfronts and signage, windows and doors, internal and external structural works, improved accessibility, utilities and services, and welfare facilities. Intended to help protect and sustain local shops during the coronavirus, the scheme also asks businesses to create new jobs, safeguard existing employment and more. Funding is available until March 2021 and more details are available by emailing [email protected]
Lockdown reminder
Residents and businesses are being reminded that lockdown and social distancing rules must be strictly observed during the pandemic in order to safeguard public health and combat the spread of the coronavirus. The warning follows recent incidents in which South Wales Police responded to reports of house parties and mass gatherings while the Shared Regulatory Service has investigated reports of non-essential trading and more. Anyone found to be ignoring the lockdown requirements is risking further action, including fines and potential prosecution.
£23.4m support for local firms
Business grant funding issued by Bridgend County Borough Council has reached more than £23.4m since the Welsh Government announced its support package. With 1,851 applications from local firms processed to date, the support is available for businesses that are eligible for small business rates relief in Wales and who occupy premises with a rateable value of £12,000 or less. It also includes those who fall under small business rates relief but who do not currently pay business rates, and retail, leisure or hospitality businesses with a rateable value of £12,001 to £51,000. Applications can be made by completing the online form.
Social care opportunities
More people are being sought to help support the county borough’s most vulnerable residents. A number of employment opportunities are available, and anyone who has previously worked in social care or who has transferable skills is invited to apply. A fast-tracked application process and rapid refresher training course are available. To apply or find out more, visit the job pages at the council’s website.