#StayHome! Council deploys tannoy cars and digital signage to deter Easter Bank Holiday crowds

As the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic continues, Bridgend County Borough Council is undertaking a range of measures to help protect the public ahead of the Easter Bank Holiday weekend.

Four vehicles are being fitted with loudspeakers and a public address system which will broadcast the bilingual message “Stay home, protect the NHS, save lives.”

Working closely in partnership with South Wales Police, the tannoy cars will travel the county borough broadcasting the message and will be dispatched to areas where people are reported to be breaking requirements on social distancing.

Digital signage is also being set up on the primary routes into Porthcawl urging people to remain at home. It follows concerns after large numbers of people travelled into the town a few weeks ago, putting themselves and others at risk of exposure and forcing the permanent closure of the Rest Bay and Salt Lake car parks.

Cllr Richard Young, Cabinet Member for Communities, said:

“The Easter Bank Holiday weekend has always been a popular time for families to enjoy a trip out, but with the outbreak still underway, national advice remains very clear, and people should stay at home.

“As it is absolutely vital for people to heed this advice, we are setting up the tannoy cars and digital signage as a way of strengthening the message, and getting it across that to venture out for any reason other than to pick up essential items such as food or medicine or to undertake brief, local exercise poses a very real risk of exposure.”

The signage and the tannoy cars will be deployed wherever necessary until further notice.